Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Life is getting really stressful for me. I think its my schedule it NEVER changes and i need a change or somethin added to it or atleast some help. Today i just started crying for no reason. Life is gettin to hard for me to handle but i know i will overcome this rocky path in my life. I know it will get better.
I have a God that is there for me and i can come to him anytime i want to and talk to him anythime i feel like it. I have grandmas that are ALWAYS there for me. I have my wonderful amazing Church members that cares for me and prays for me on a daily basics.
I dont know, today was just hard. I feel ike i need a big long break from life, my brothers, and atleast just get out of the house for a week or two.
And its not just my schedule thats stressing me out its my MATH and ENGLISH classes. I am makin a VERY low grade in math and my english teacher gave us a paper assisnment and she gave us very little directions on how to do the paper. How am i suppost to write a paper without how she wants it?? anyways heres my schedule.
  1. 6am: wake up to get ready for class
  2. 7am: leave for school
  3. 8am: math 101 starts
  4. 9:30 am: Col 101 starts.
  5. 11:00am: English 101 starts
  6. 12:15pm come home feed my brother Sam and put him to bed.
  7. 2:40pm Momma leaves. Watching the boys begin.
  8. 3-4pm: Lou's EIP comes by to work with Lou.
  9. 4:25pm: Nick comes home. Drama starts
  10. 5pm: start cookin supper for the brothers.
  11. 6pm: feed the boys normally dinner is fixed.
  12. 7Pm: give boys a bath.
  13. 7:30pm: puttin the boys down for the night
  14. 8pm: still fighting them down.
  15. 9: boys normally asleep time to clean up before momma gets home.
  16. 11pm: Study, cram, homework, whatever needs to be done for school.

So you see my schedule is crammed full!!! I need a BREAK!!!

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