So one of my first blogs i posted was about my nieces: Addison and Aiyana. Well Aiyaya was due on Saturday on the 2oth of March. And she still isnt here yet. SHE NEEDS TO HURRY UP. But she will arrive when God says Aiyana let it begin lol. But I can't wait until my little niece gets here. She's gonna be so cute :) Her name is goin to be Aiyana Michelle. She is gonna be spoiled rotten to :] If you look over to the left you will see her ultrasound at about 21 weeks. She was so active during
her ultrasound according to her mommy aka my sister Kayla. And above the ultrasound is a collage i made for her which is a picture of kayla pregnant at about 23 weeks then aiyanas ultrasound picture then the 3rd pic is of Kayla pregnant with Aiyana sitting down at her babyshower at about 35 weeks. I am so proud of Kayla. She's been thru so much but she still has the time to take care of her self and she's still with the babys father and worked right up to her duedate. Friday was her last day until after the babys born and the rest of her maternity leave is up. Aiyanas momma is Cherokee Indian and White, and her Daddy is Black, Cherokee Indian, and White. So her competion should be and will be SOOO Pretty. Aiyana isnt even here yet and i havent held her for the first time but i already care for her SOOOO MUCHO :)

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