So i have been a employee at Kmart for exactley 8 days :) Thats right.. I have been working for over a week now♥ so excited! Yes its only Kmart but hey its a job correct?! and in that week i have had the most aggravating customers lol. Well rude anyways. I have had a total void because one of them didnt want to give me their phone number and have had one of my old crushes to come thru my line and had to ring them up. Talkin about awkward, didnt no what to say to him or anything. But hey maybe i get to see him again :l Kinda brought feelings that i didnt know i still had for him but hey. That is plenty enough aabout that.
But work is awesome:) My feet are fine until one hour before its time to leave so HOPEFULLY they'll get thru it all by the end of this week......
But that is how my first work week went so far :) Keep tuned:)